gallery of contemporary art

Manfred Mörth [AT]

Focus: Painting
Born in 1960 in Griffen/Carinthia. Lives and works in Sankt Andrä/Carinthia.


Untitled, graphite, wooden board, 240 x 150 cm


Manfred Mőrth creates ” exclusively by means of abstraction and material presence. The materiality of colour and the arrangement of reified paintings represent the centre of gravity in his work. In his painterly objects, diptychs or series, he uses the principle of minimalist art, the “colour field” of painting and monochromy, which he formulates in a new, individual way.”
Silvie Aigner, art critic


Untitled, graphite, wooden board, 240 x 120 cm


Untitled, graphite, wooden board, 360 x 180 cm