gallery of contemporary art

Žarko Vrezec [SI]

Focus: Painting, Drawing, Printmaking, Natural Science Illustration, Scenography
Born in Ljubljana in 1950. Lives and works in Ljubljana.


From the series “Slovo”, acrylic, colored pencil, paper, 16 x 14 cm


“ For more than four decades, Žarko Vrezec has devoted himself to visual art and to thinking about painting whose existence requires no literary or other narrative means; in so doing, he has been constructing analytically and continuously his painterly organisms and his own visual language. The division of the painterly surface into even streaks of colour has led the author to a new definition of images, in which he used his old works to cut and tear strips out of them and to combine them with other pieces of paper to create new visual compositions, whose layers and overlaps of various elements not only create the illusion of three-dimensionality, but their foregrounding also creates real space. Here and there, a rugged streak or a thin line in strong basic colours wrenches itself from the monochromatic surface, acting as a colour emphasis of the composition and harmonically rounding off and synthesising the subtle, visually accomplished structures.”
Zala Maček, art critic


From the series “Slovo”, acrylic, colored pencil, paper, 16 x 14 cm


From the series “Slovo”, acrylic, colored pencil, paper, 16 x 14 cm


From the series “Listi iz dnevnika”, acrylic, colored pencil, paper, 16 x 14 cm


From the series “Listi iz dnevnika”, acrylic, colored pencil, paper, 16 x 14 cm


From the series “Listi iz dnevnika”, acrylic, colored pencil, paper, 16 x 14 cm


From the series “Listi iz dnevnika”, acrylic, colored pencil, paper, 16 x 14 cm